Active Health System and Insight Remote Support

The Active Health System and Insight Remote Support functions let you collect information about your server environment in a central place. These functions let you inspect and manipulate the AHS and ERS configuration and submit data.

class hpilo.Ilo

Get active health system logging status

>>> ilo.get_ahs_status()
{'ahs_hardware_status': 'ENABLED',
 'ahs_status': 'ENABLED',
 'temp_ahs_disabled': 'NO'}

Enable or disable AHS logging


Clears Active Health System information log


Get the ERS Insight Remote Support settings

>>> ilo.get_ers_settings()
{'ers_agent': '',
 'ers_collection_frequency': 'P30D',
 'ers_connect_model': 0,
 'ers_destination_port': 0,
 'ers_destination_url': '',
 'ers_last_transmission_date': '-',
 'ers_last_transmission_errno': 'No error',
 'ers_last_transmission_type': 0,
 'ers_state': 0,
 'ers_web_proxy_port': 0,
 'ers_web_proxy_url': '',
 'ers_web_proxy_username': ''}
set_ers_irs_connect(ers_destination_url, ers_destination_port)

Connect to an Insight Remote Support server

set_ers_direct_connect(user_id, password, proxy_url=None, proxy_port=None, proxy_username=None, proxy_password=None)

Register your iLO with HP Insigt Online using Direct Connect. Note that you must also call dc_registration_complete


Complete the ERS registration of your device after calling set_ers_direct_connect

set_ers_web_proxy(proxy_url, proxy_port, proxy_username=None, proxy_password=None)

Register your iLO with HP Insigt Online using Direct Connect. Note that you must also call dc_registration_complete

ers_ahs_submit(message_id, bb_days)

Submity AHS data to the insight remote support server


Initiate an L2 data collection submission to the Insight Remote Support server.


Trigger a test service event submission to the Insight Remote Support server.


Disable Insight Remote Support functionality and unregister the server

trigger_bb_data(message_id, days)

Initiate AHS data submission to IRS. The submitted data will include the specified message ID and number of days of data